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Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.
Eli Reifer OF Capital Plus Residential
Eli Reifer didn’t start out trying to build a big company. It just sort of… happened. About twenty years ago he was working in mortgages when a couple of people came to him to train them in the ins and outs of mortgages. Mortgages are not a field you can just learn from books or courses, as Eli explains, “The only way to be successful at this is to just do it. And then keep on doing it.” And then do it some more. But along the way, you need to get mentoring and training, something Eli excels at.
The three people Eli trained formed the nucleus of Capital Plus. Today, Capital Plus is one of the biggest mortgage companies serving the Tri-state area and other states.
Eli brings his wealth of experience and acumen to a complex and ever-changing field. But variety and changeability is part of what makes mortgages such a challenge- and it’s all part of why Eli loves what he does. “Every scenario is different, but when you’ve done this a while you can figure out which “bucket” it belongs in, and come up with a plan from there.” A good mortgage broker knows all the solutions and how to best help their clients get the loans they need. Capital Plus has recently expanded more into the commercial field and they’re having a lot of success helping their clients get the loans they need!