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Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.
Marty Waisbrod of Latitude
Marty has been in the business of construction management (Promont) and building informational modeling (Smarcon) for a long time. Now he’s taken that experience and the latest technology and “we’ve triangulated the three to achieve one goal.” And that’s become his newest business, Latitude.
So why the need to combine the three streams? It all has to do with a new law, Local Law 97. As of 2024, buildings over 25,000 square feet will need to comply with severe restrictions on energy consumption and high-demand energy savings. And if that sounds like a giant headache, that’s because it is.
Energy consumption in a large building is a complex business. Local Law 97 deals with multiple different building systems- from the boiler to the electric, the windows to the insulation. And you can’t hire one subcontractor or consultant – each system needs its own expertise. Latitude offers analysis of the building, and a framework to solve the issues. Their system installs the specs into a virtual model and tests it virtually to see if the fix will solve the issue- before the millions are spent!
Nesanel Gantz With Marty Waisbrod
Of Latitude