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Yitzchok Glancz of Maven Software

Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.

Yitzchok Glancz hasn’t been in business that long, but it’s been more than  enough time to restructure his company from the ground up. 

As a kid, he liked to build stuff. (There might be a slight chance that if you visit his house on Shabbos afternoon you might find out that he’s the one playing with legos… building the skills of the little ones. 

Yitzchok still loves building, but now it’s all about building business.

He started out in the tech dept at a large corporate company. After three years he went out on his own to do custom software development, for clients in various industries. 

Even though the business was doing well, Yitzchok came to a realization that he could improve his service to his clients by offering something very valuable in addition to software development. It was business planning. That was when he decided to rebrand and pivot in a new direction. The best results in software is when having a proper bridge between the business and the code writers.

At a certain point, he realized that the part he excelled at was the planning and consulting – and then he could partner you up with the right developers to write the code.

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