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Fusing Halacha and Science to Keep Pools of Purity Pristine

A unique approach to filtration and purification of mikva water.

Yonatan Heller is an NSPF-certified pool operator originally from Miami, which possibly has the
most swimming pools in the world per capita. Today he employs decades of expertise to bring new
meaning to mikvah “purity.”
Over the last seven years, Heller has built MikvahTech, which has the only technology approved by the Badatz Eidah Hacharedis even in Mikva’os used for geirus—and the only mikvah filtering and purification technology scientifically proven to remove a slew of contaminants and bacteria, making
for pristine mikvah water on a level that has never been seen before.
MikvaTech is now found in hundreds of mikva’os around Israel, including the Mikvah in the great Belzer Shul. “Every single system is custom-made for the client, and assembled by hand in
Yerushalayim,” Yonatan says, “baruch Hashem we can barely keep up with orders both here, as well as from a growing number of mikva’os in the United States and all over the world. Among the many notable mikvaos in the US currently using the MikvaTech system is the Main Skverer Beis Medrash.
The thriving company continues to develop products for every kind of mikvah, with every level of use, but they continue to work with pools around the world, and have recently installed their technology in the largest infinity swimming pool in the world, the luxurious Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. “We employ three full-time engineers who are continually developing solutions specifically for mikvaos, and our company holds three international patents just for our mikva water purification systems,” Yonatan says.

The company is now preparing to rev up their American sales division with an exclusive focus on mikva’os, bringing many more mikva’os in America into the growing ranks of MikvaTech clients.

Although the purification system is simple to install in an existing mikvah (his mikvah clients can be found in Ghana, Brazil, and Thailand—all of whom have installed MikvahTech on their own in their existing mikvah) the best time to order the system is during (or before) construction—enabling contractors and architects to retrofit the mikvah during construction for a seamless and aesthetic

The technology consists of two components: The filter that sits in the mikvah, doing its work 24/7, and the water purification machine which diffuses oxygen radicals into the water, a process called
Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). Because all of the filtration and purification occurs inside the mikvah, it is 100% permissible even according to the most stringent halachic opinions.
The proprietary process, as well as the fact that it functions constantly, makes MikvaTech mikva’os pristine, and removes many of the pathogens and bacteria that would otherwise cling to the mikvah and its walls, leaving them pure and pristine.

Yonatan explains that there are many features about the MikvaTech technology that makes it superior to other filters currently used by mikva’os, from both halacha and water-purification

“Our oxidation is the only technology approved by the Israeli Ministry of Health for use in mikvaos and was approved for drinking water by the Israeli standards institute,” he says. “Furthermore, our
filter is the only one to use an underwater BLDC industrial-strength SELV motor which is sized to provide two complete turnovers of the mikva water every hour. In addition, our filter maintains a
significant hiddur of having a “chibur shfoferes hanod” with “hashakah” throughout the entire process.

“This is truly the most cutting-edge technology and most mehudar system currently available to mikvaos,” Yonatan says “and this is the future of mikvah water purification.”

Look for Yonatan at the MikvaTech booth at the upcoming OJBA Expo this fall.

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