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Hilly Lichtenstein of Newstone AECC

Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.

Hilly Lichtenstein of Newstone AECC has spent more than twenty years in the business world and he has a lot to say about what works– and what doesn’t.

Hilly wasn’t always a successful businessman with an amazing team and legendary booths at the OJBA Expo. He was once a kid who just really liked to break stuff a lot to find out how things worked. As an adult, he’s taken that curiosity and made it work for him in building his company.

After working in plumbing and building management, at the age of 25, he decided to go out into business on his own. Hilly had noticed a problem that needed to be solved – and he created a company to solve it. In his job managing buildings, Hilly often needed blueprints – and it was often a struggle to find them. He decided to create a company to create “as-built” blueprints. His 3D renders allow you to “walk inside” your project. On any given day Newstone AECC has multiple teams in different locations throughout the US, doing what they do best. Designers, architects, and engineers are some of his most frequent clients.

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