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The Interstate Expo is less than a month away with exhibitors clamoring to fill the last available booths. Many of our exhibitors are using this opportunity to share their business knowledge and to introduce their new products or services by having an industry professional at their booth who will explain, demonstrate and answer any questions that can impact your company’s growth.
OJBA is in the midst of putting together our exhibitor guide which will list all our exhibitor’s professionals and what they will be demonstrating. If your company has a professional interest to contribute to the event’s success, please contact OJBA, so that we can include your company in the guide.
Behind the scenes, the PR Productions team is bringing it all to the media forefront via their professional footage and continuous OJBA coverage. As a past OJBA exhibitor, Ari Chaimowitz, CEO of PR Productions attests that his company gained tremendous exposure at OJBA events. “We connected with many new clients and have successfully produced their infomercial videos, thanks to networking at OJBA.”
PR Productions and OJBA collaborated in offering a business card video special for Interstate Expo exhibitors. For only $1499 – your company’s message can be seen by thousands of viewers!
MEETUP with Ari Chaimowitz and the PR Production Team on November 28th at the Interstate Expo as they capture the essence of it all!
Be a part of it!
Get exposure like never before
Network with the best in the industry
Meadowlands Exposition Center.
To sign up or for more info
Call: 845-763-0003
Email: info@interstateexpo.com
Web: Interstateexpo.com