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Leiby Tabak of Macro Laundry
Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.
Leiby Tabak is the owner of Macro Laundry, a company that designs and maintains laundry rooms in residential buildings. He’s also a risk taker. At the age of thirty-three he took a BIG one. “ It was a big risk, “ he says “ But the biggest risk of all is not to take risks.”
Leiby had a reliable job as a yeshiva administrator in Krasne. But one summer he had a great idea for a business- and he decided to run with it. Leiby, who famously never stresses, even during floods and other laundry-related emergencies, has the right temperament for a business that involves lots of troubleshooting at any hour of the day or night. But that still doesn’t mean it was easy to leave the reliable and predictable, for the wild and unpredictable world of business.
So how did Leiby get into this business?
After working in hotel management in the summers he realized one of the biggest headaches hotel operators have is dealing with problems in their laundry rooms. The service companies were overloaded with too many clients and simply weren’t doing their job well. It could take days for someone to service broken machines, leading to lots of frustration and stress for the staff and the guests. Leiby realized that residential buildings have the same issues and he could relieve that headache…and so an idea for a great service business was born. Seven years later Macro Laundry has almost 20employees and services many new construction as well as existing buildings with either Macro-owned machines and management, or management alone.
What advice does Leiby, a veteran OJBA exhibitor have to offer Inside Business readers?“Don’t expect to close deals at the show. Make connections and then follow up and then keep following up. It may take time- but eventually, it DOES work! I’ve made many great business deals as a result of the Expo!”
Nesanel Gantz with Leiby Tabak
of Macro Laundry Solutions