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Because business isn’t just about what you know, it’s about who you know.
Leo Moskowitz of Telebroad
OJBA is very familiar territory to the Telebroad team. That’s because approximately 60% of exhibitors have been served by them at one time or another.
Yes. You read that right. Telebroad has served 60% of OJBA’s exhibitors. And they don’t put much stock in a lot of fancy marketing. That’s because they believe, (and the stats are out there to prove this) that WOM is still one of the best ways to do business. But there is one marketing event they’d never miss, and that’s OJBA. “It’s just a very colorful show, “Mr. Moskowitz explains “It’s a very successful show.”
The company, which is ranked as one of the top 2,000 fastest-growing companies in the United States, has been at it for a long time. They got on the VOIP train before others even realized it was in the station. “We’ve been doing this for over 16 years.”
This is no 9 to 5 business. Communication is like an emergency room, there needs to be service around the clock 365 days a year.
Other telecom companies can take a long time to respond and resolve issues for businesses, but Telebroad prides itself on its round-the-clock service. “Our motto is keeping you operating 24/7 without a glitch.”
Telebroad offers a multi-faceted platform that meets all their clients communication needs. It handles all types of communication voice, email, fax, instant messaging, conferencing, and mobile presence.
Another unique aspect of Telebroad is that everything is in-house.
“We don’t outsource anything to third parties and we have our own servers in the cloud. So when other servers go down due to severe weather we are unaffected. Hurricane Sandy brought us a lot of new clients who had suffered for weeks and lost a lot of capital waiting for their service provider to restore service.”
But Telebroad has its eyes on the future. “We have a research department that’s constantly working on developing new features that our customers can benefit from.”
In any business, sales become easy when customers see the product’s value. What’s the biggest challenge in onboarding customers in an industry that’s a little more complex to explain? There’s a bit of educating that sometimes needs to happen, Leo explains. “We often need to do a little education. But this doesn’t bother me at all I love it, I’m passionate about educating customers!”